Thursday, October 17, 2024

Last Call for Boston Butts...and, about the United Methodist Men (UMM) of Bethel

Yes, it is!

The response was fantastic in the spring, butt The MOB (Men of Bethel) of Bethel United Methodist Church are looking forward to the coming Boston Butt Bonanza this fall.

Insert: The United Methodist Men of Bethel United Methodist Church (Women are are always welcome.) is a group of guys whom worship and meet once a month. We share our beliefs and concerns as wells as volunteer and raise funds for a variety of efforts, whether it be a musical instrument for a student, cleaning supplies for Epworth or backpacks for Satchel Ford Elementary. Our coffers aren't deep, yet we are often able to assist when help is needed.

Once again, we are having our semi-annual Boston Butt Bonanza (bigger and better) and this is a wonderful time to let someone else do the cookin'.

In fact, these wonderful cuts of pork, smoked and prepared by Award Winning Smokers - DOKO Smoke BBQ - will be available just in time for fall and upcoming holidays.

Do we even need a holiday to enjoy such flavor? Heck no.

Get creative! You can freeze your butt off (in the freezer) and feed your family and friends later, host a party or have some bona fide pulled pork for your next picnic.

No ifs, ands; just butts - one of the best butts you'll ever get your hands on.

The Butt: A cooked-weight of approximately seven (7) pounds of shapely deliciousness, packaged in tin foil...Only $40.00.

If you run out of ideas (silly thought) for what to do with your Boston Butt, you can always leave a few pounds for making Chalupas.

If you are not a fan of Boston Butt or still have some hanging out in your freezer, you can always designate your purchase to go to Epworth Children's Home. They are nothing, butt fans.

Proceeds go to church and community projects including funding for Family Promise (hosting homeless families once per quarter), sponsoring and volunteering for the National Prayer Line the first Saturday of each month and funding for Sheriff Leon Lott's Elder Watch Program.

Tickets are now on sale through October 17 at the Bethel United Methodist Church office Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The church is located at 4600 Daniel Drive in Forest Acres.

OR, you can use the purchase feature below and select as many butts as you can handle.

Please enter Epworth if purchase is for Epworth Children's Home.

Pick-up for the Boston Butts will be between 4PM to 7PM Friday, October 25. Pick-up will be in the rear parking lot, off Willingham Drive.

IMPORTANT! If you use the on-line purchase feature above, please print and bring your receipt when picking up as this will serve as your ticket. Your receipt will come from, so please check your e-mail spam or junk folder if you don't shortly find this in your in-box.

Please contact Doug at 803-553-5757 if you have any questions or difficulty ordering.

Thank you, very much!

K N O W I N G,  L O V I N G,  S E R V I N G

Monday, September 23, 2024

It's That Time Again...Time for Some Boston Butts!

Yes, it is!

The response was fantastic in the spring, butt The MOB (Men of Bethel) of Bethel United Methodist Church are looking forward to the coming Boston Butt Bonanza this fall.

Once again, we are having our semi-annual Boston Butt Bonanza (bigger and better) and this is a wonderful time to let someone else do the cookin'.

In fact, these wonderful cuts of pork, smoked and prepared by Award Winning Smokers - DOKO Smoke BBQ - will be available just in time for fall and upcoming holidays.

Do we even need a holiday to enjoy such flavor? Heck no.

Get creative! You can freeze your butt off (in the freezer) and feed your family and friends later, host a party or have some bona fide pulled pork for your next picnic.

No ifs, ands; just butts - one of the best butts you'll ever get your hands on.

The Butt: A cooked-weight of approximately seven (7) pounds of shapely deliciousness, packaged in tin foil...Only $40.00.

If you run out of ideas (silly thought) for what to do with your Boston Butt, you can always leave a few pounds for making Chalupas.

If you are not a fan of Boston Butt or still have some hanging out in your freezer, you can always designate your purchase to go to Epworth Children's Home. They are nothing, butt fans.

Proceeds go to church and community projects including funding for Family Promise (hosting homeless families once per quarter), sponsoring and volunteering for the National Prayer Line the first Saturday of each month and funding for Sheriff Leon Lott's Elder Watch Program.

Tickets are now on sale through October 17 at the Bethel United Methodist Church office Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The church is located at 4600 Daniel Drive in Forest Acres.

OR, you can use the purchase feature below and select as many butts as you can handle.

Please enter Epworth if purchase is for Epworth Children's Home.

Pick-up for the Boston Butts will be between 4PM to 7PM Friday, October 25. Pick-up will be in the rear parking lot, off Willingham Drive.

IMPORTANT! If you use the on-line purchase feature above, please print and bring your receipt when picking up as this will serve as your ticket. Your receipt will come from, so please check your e-mail spam or junk folder if you don't shortly find this in your in-box.

Please contact Doug at 803-553-5757 if you have any questions or difficulty ordering.

Thank you, very much!

K N O W I N G,  L O V I N G,  S E R V I N G

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Free Fresh Bay Leaves

I just pruned our Bay Laurel tree (more about that in another article) and I have thousands of leaves to give away should you want some for seasoning some of your favorite recipes.

They have been placed, still on-branch, in a pile on Willingham Drive at Bethel United Methodist Church near the rear parking lot, not far from the Blessing Box.

If you are interested, please get them as soon as possible, as drying in direct sunlight is not best for them. 

I dry bay leaves occasionally and keep them jarred in the kitchen, but if I haven't, I just go out and cut the leaves I need. I do this if and only if the sauce, soup, etc. has a cooking time over an hour.

Bay leaves go through favorable flavor changes when dried or with time in heated fluids.

There are several methods for drying bay leaves or you can use fresh if you have a slow-cooking dish you wish to make soon. The following link provides very good instructions on doing so:

The plant is very healthy and the leaves look fantastic. If you find a bad one, simply discard it.

I had to make a variety of cuts, so you should be able to choose a branch or a few which suits your needs and then remove the leaves at home. Or, if you plan to naturally air-dry them, you may wish to leave the leaves (sorry) attached and allow this to happen on the branch.

Have a Wonderful Labor Day!


Monday, May 27, 2024

TakoSushi - A Culinary Blessing to Forest Acres

I first went to TakoSushi over ten years ago when it was on Assembly Street across from the Capitol. I loved the food, the feel of the restaurant, and the staff.

Their newest location is at Forest Park Shopping Center, anchored by Lowes Foods on Forest Drive. It's in the location of the old Baskin Robbins, nearest Forest Drive.

I had mentioned the restaurant and the name to many friends and most thought it was fusion food of far east and southwestern cuisines, as the name may imply.

It is not. It is a variety of both cuisines, standalone and done quite well. And, the menu is not short on creativity and taste. If you cannot find one thing on the menu you like, then you are the type who may best stay home and eat pimento cheese or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

They found out what works...and it does.

I discovered it had recently opened and went there today. The bar is a block-U shape (the best for meeting people and conversing) with about 20 upholstered bar stools. Each side has a jumbo flat screen and there are two others on opposing walls.

They have built an outdoor patio with about six four-seat tables and my server, Nico, said they will be covering this soon.

It's not clinical, in feel, like Poogan's, which I believe they totally f'ed up in light of the restaurant's history.

We, in Forest Acres, now have a cool place with an inviting bar and a killer menu, that is open from lunch to the evening.

Please check out TakoSushi with some friends or family and tell others so they may enjoy what this place is all about.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Easter and Daffodils...Some Care Tips for Many Years of Healthy Daffodils and Blooms


Easter seems such an apropos time to mention Daffodils as they and most any other perennial, experience a resurrection, so-to-speak, this time of year, this season.

During The Daffodil Project, thanks to a customer and friend, we made these available late last fall - some I planted and others did so on their own.

I have seen many doing so well recently, and beautiful. A few lost blooms during a freeze we had one night, but they are recovering with new buds.

I don't know if there is some odd pre-occupation with bulb plants and I understand the care and planning prior to planting, but once in the ground, they can be treated like most any other plant in regard to transplanting or dividing.

Here are three care tips for bulbs (in the ground)

  • After the blooms have died, do not cut the foliage back to the ground until the foliage/leaves have browned. Until such time, these features are helping restore the bulb(s).
  • Daffodils will add more plants on their own, not far from the original plant/bulb, providing you the opportunity to not only allow the area of interest to be more populated...
  • But, you can easily, dig up a few plants, carefully, separate a few bulbs from one another and plant elsewhere.
The following two links will provide additional information:

What to Do After Tulips and Daffodils Are Finished Flowering in the Spring

Monday, March 11, 2024

My Mother...Her Condition...My Many Thanks, and More

I had plans to write this article, thanking many of you for your response and information you provided regarding recommendations for in-home care for my mother. 

In the meantime, many of you corresponded in writing or even called me about Mom and wishing her well. A few of you spoke with her...not difficult, she's so inviting.

The other night, another customer, and I feel, a friend, called me and asked how Mom is doing. I was so thankful, overwhelmed. I had a good, healthy cry after we hung up. The contact was so impacting, so true. Thank you, Della.

Several of you know my mother, but most of you do not. Yet, the concern is so heartfelt and lifting although Mom is doing quite well in spite of the physical limitations she must incur for recovery.

Related, is the fact that I have some of the best customers in the world. I often make mention of this while speaking to other owners of businesses and they usually smirk, never asking why I say such. I imagine they don't believe so or they have never experienced such, or nowhere near.

My mother, an RN by trade, but a singer, actor and artist, when she found time, was no businesswoman; yet, she instilled in me a huge amount of integrity in most everything one does - her father, my grandfather, gave her (and I) that.

She's a wonderful lady, taking no prescription drugs, only vitamins or supplements - has wonderful vitals, bone density and muscles. Wine and chocolate are her only vices/pleasures, and at 94, she can have all she wants. 

The head care person (RN) for her is magnificent and the other care giver is well-tuned for her job. We are fortunate.

Thank you all for your concerns. I take a knee occasionally and this helps. All is well. When I do so I am usually giving thanks, not asking...this works well for me and the God I have come to know. And, his son. 

I am working on a substantial project right now and many of you have contacted me about other concerns. I (we) will get there. Please, bear with me, but feel free to call on me as Mom loves plants and wants to know I am out there with them. It's somewhat spiritual for her.

I am doing the best I can for her, which may not be the best, but the best I can.

Thank you! 


Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Bethel Boston Butt Bonanza

It's that time again.

The response was fantastic last fall, butt The MOB (Men of Bethel) of Bethel United Methodist Church aren't looking behind.

Once again, we are having our semi-annual Boston Butt Bonanza (bigger and better) and this is a wonderful time to let someone else do the cookin'.

In fact, these wonderful cuts of pork, smoked and prepared by Award Winning Smokers -  DOKO Smoke BBQ - will be available just in time for Easter.

Do we even need a holiday to enjoy such flavor? Heck no.

Get creative! You can freeze your butt off (in the freezer) and feed your family and friends later, host a party or have some bona fide pulled pork for your next picnic.

No ifs, ands; just butts - one of the best butts you'll ever get your hands on.

The Butt: A cooked-weight of approximately seven (7) pounds of shapely deliciousness, packaged in tin foil...Only $40.00.

If you run out of ideas (silly thought) for what to do with your Boston Butt, you can always leave a few pounds for making Chalupas.

If you are not a fan of Boston Butt or still have some hanging out in your freezer, you can always designate your purchase to go to Epworth Children's Home. They are nothing, butt fans.

Proceeds go to church and community projects including funding for Family Promise (hosting homeless families once per quarter), sponsoring and volunteering for the National Prayer Line the first Saturday of each month and funding for Sheriff Leon Lott's Elder Watch Program.

Tickets are now on sale through March 22 at the Bethel United Methodist Church office Monday through Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The church is located at 4600 Daniel Drive in Forest Acres.

OR, you can use the purchase feature below and select as many butts as you can handle.

Please enter Epworth if purchase is for Epworth Children's Home.

Pick-up for the Boston Butts will be between 4PM to 7PM Friday, March 29 - just in time for Easter. Pick-up will be in the rear parking lot, off Willingham Drive.

IMPORTANT! If you use the on-line purchase feature above, please print and bring your receipt when picking up as this will serve as your ticket. Your receipt will come from, so please check your e-mail spam or junk folder if you don't shortly find this in your in-box.

Please contact Doug at 803-553-5757 if you have any questions or difficulty ordering.

Thank you, very much!

K N O W I N G,  L O V I N G,  S E R V I N G