Monday, January 14, 2019

Local Farmers and Growers are So Damn Important

GrowFood Carolina

I was watching NatureScene on SCETV a few weeks ago and saw reference to GrowFood Carolina.

The resurgence of farm to fork is nothing new to me. Only a few generations ago many families had a garden and perhaps some chickens and a cow or pig or two. And, even those in the urban areas received much of their food from local farmers and growers.

My grandfather was a mechanic at Hanes in Winston Salem and he had a rather large garden and several cows. He also raised his children in three different homes over time, from a log cabin to a substantial brick ranch home. The land was important to his family.

Working at Piggly Wiggly as a teenager in the produce department, the produce manager was able to purchase certain products from local farmers. We called it buying through the back door. Piggly Wiggly also had an office down at the State Farmers Market.

Well, things have changed since those times, but there is an effort to return to supporting local producers and providing them the access to market and us, the access to them.

GrowFood Carolina was established in 2007 by the Coastal Conservation League, which does more than simply address the coastal region. They also address other natural resource issues.

To learn more go to GrowFood Carolina.

And, if you know of any similar efforts or situations more focused on the Midlands, please leave a comment.

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