Monday, October 8, 2018

A Monumental Milestone for a Wonderful Lady

Sibyl Staples just celebrated her 100th Birthday. The party was a huge success - family and friends from many aspects of her life were in attendance.

Her daughter, my very first customer and a family friend, pulled out all the stops and put together a wonderful drop-in for Sibyl.

Sibyl was visited by guests in her Florida room before the time for singing and blowing out of the candles in the living room.

Various decorations (always has been a Halloween theme) and various potted plants were purchased and placed.

I have worked on this property for about five years and over several days before the event I spent time doing some outdoor housekeeping, re-sanding a few of the many walkways and pruning and/or trimming many, many shrubs and trees. We both love japanese maples and there is not a place anywhere I can't stand on the property without having a view of at least two to three of them. Even though, the property is balanced, but not symmetric or boring. There are small vignettes scattered about.

I arrived early to assist and upon entering through the side to the kitchen I noticed Melissa, an old friend, at the counter, preparing something - what a nice surprise. Melissa is creative, pleasant and meticulous, and can be quite animated and witty if you allow her, perhaps regardless. She works with the owner of the catering service, Jenny. It's Jenny is the name of the business and you'd better not forget it.

Jenny somewhat reminds me of Melissa in the same regards. They're like kindred spirits, only in different packages. I don't know about behind the scenes, but if it works for their customers, so be it.

Jenny has been doing this many, many years across the country and beyond, and has obviously mastered the art of cooking and presenting food. I'm certain she won't stop there. She was relaxed, collected and comfortable, not too businesslike, but you know she knows her business. She kicked me out of a kitchen I have been in hundreds of times - no, not really.

The selection of food, variety and format was perfect for a drop-in.

Some of the dishes were: Bacon Wafers,
Sesame Almond Chicken Cups,
Italian Sandwiches on Fresh Focaccia and Mini Fried Apple Pies with Bourbon Sauce. Jenny also mentioned two of her favorites among a plethora of dishes she has made over the years - Mango Peach Gazpacho and Jerk Chicken over Apple Jicama Slaw with Cashew Sauce.

The petite open-face heirloom tomato sandwiches were simple, but killer.

All I heard from the guests were: wow, delicious, never had this before, that's beautiful.

I have been in this home a lot over the years and I had no idea how a caterer would make sense of it and make it flow for the guests. Well, Jenny did, using the existing while bringing in what was needed.

The beverage bar out on the back patio near the pergola was perfect and in the perfect location. Melissa tended this while I mingled with some old acquaintances, made some new friends, did a few property tours and hit her up for the next champagne punch.

It was more than obvious Sibyl was flattered by the many guests and honored by all the effort spent preparing for and throwing this, her 100th birthday party.

So, if you, your family, company or organization want a fantastic catered event, then you should call Jenny - 910-975-0324.

In the meantime, check out some of the other photos. And, if you need or want me to address your trees, shrubs or landscape, call Doug - 803-553-5757.

Happy Birthday, Sibyl!

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