Monday, March 13, 2023

Occasionally, Simply Kneel and Be Thankful


I dare not reveal my religious beliefs as they may be somewhat irrelevant to what I wish to convey. 

And, it is oddly amazing how one's personal and spiritual beliefs and practices offend so many when I know this is due course and personal freedom in one's life.

Fear no criticism.

Although I have a taken a knee to seek help, as my God is forgiving, I have usually done so to give thanks, often with tears of joy.

Tonight was another cause for joy as my 94-year old mother, who has been going at it with the Cubii (See Seniors: Sit and Get Fit...Yes, Really), seems to be gaining more confidence with her mobility.

My brother called while we were watching a show and she walked off to go speak to Paul. My mother wasn't taking quarter or half steps - she was walking. Yesss!

He and she have such in-depth conversations and he was so glad to know she is more independently mobile. She is amazing, lucid and comical at times.

These are those times when I kneel, giving thanks.

Religious or otherwise, kneeling and prayer (for whatever, or to whomever) allows one to give thanks to or ask for assistance from, or give praise to a higher someone, other than oneself. 

It becomes relief and may bring solace or strength, or both. Prayer helps one bring their God and others into their situation...their world. 

Assuming you are with all, and your God is with you, is more powerful and comforting than all you will achieve or the hardships you may endure.

Give thanks and you will need less, and gain a life of spiritual fortune.

If you are breathing and sensing all around you, good or bad, be are living!

Live life with little abandon for your potential, but with great concern for others.

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