Wednesday, May 24, 2017

A Close Shave in the Dark of the Night

Man Shaving
This post may go under the Other Matters portion of Shoots and Matters as it really has nothing to do with plants or properties, but has so much to with a given manscape, perhaps ignored by most men or appreciated by most women - who knows?

I lived in Charleston on the day hurricane Hugo wreaked havoc on the city I loved as a child, which I had visited as often as my parents afforded and then returned several times after attending the College of Charleston and serving there with the U.S. Navy.

My home had a gas range and water heater, but no lighting. It was a fun time after Hugo as I met most of my neighbors and we grilled out with one another in our driveways or curbside as we all began to know one another unlike the time we all went out in the 30 minute eye of the storm, most inebriated.

We all did our best to return to what was before Hugo, but the power supply line to our neighborhood was lying in the Ashley River - we were without power for 28 days.

Friends from other areas who gained power would host Power Parties simply to give their friends or neighbors a chance to hang out in a lighted place with some music and a sense of normalcy.

This is when I began shaving in the dark under the warm waters of gas-heated water.

I didn't think much of this at the time, but during years traveling on the road afterward for business I found I would be in a motel using some reflective device or mirror while shaving in the shower.

Epiphany: I know I have been living with this face for quite some time, so I can easily and safely navigate my way around it with a razor.

I rarely, if ever, shave over the sink in front of a mirror. It's messy and more importantly, shaving in the shower, after washing my body and hair, in the steamy and wet environment, makes for a better, closer shave and healthier skin.

Cost Saving Bonus

I use a Gillette Fusion razor of some sort and I know it's not the cheapest. I don't know whether the cost of stainless steel is the overriding factor or if there is simply some price-fixing going on with the various manufactures, but I can purchase one of the best and it will last me three to four months by shaving in the shower.

Simply buy a great razor (or purchase a pack at discount), shave in the shower, enjoy the benefits and see how long you go before replacing it.

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