Saturday, July 1, 2017

Re-establishing Natural Borders

Many of you may have read or heard me make mention or use the phrase "re-establishment of natural borders".

Natural borders are where nature meets nature such as a lawn meeting a plant bed with no man-made borders such as a plastic or metal border. Rocks, stones and other man-configured materials make great borders when applicable, but there are always different maintenance issues to consider.

This is where this project began, such a mess, but there was so much potential for such a wonderful plant bed with the proper attention to detail.

There is a technique I use not only to make the border of a bed more defined, yet one which ensures defining the border throughout the year of any bed can be done simply with the use of most any weed eater or edger.

The contrast between lawn grass and bed mulch becomes more pronounced with the quality of lawn grass and mulch, but I hope you will recognize the aesthetic value of defining the border of your plant beds.

This is a labor-intense task, but well worth it.

This may make managing your property, plant beds and lawn easier over the coming years.

Sometimes it's all about the minor details, but they matter.

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