Saturday, August 12, 2017

Color Me, Flattered.

Extremely Loud Neon Yellow T-shirt
Some of you have probably seen me wearing this rather loud, almost neon yellow t-shirt, particularly when cycling.

Well, this morning I was sitting on the back patio, not far from a red hummingbird feeder (upper right in photo), reading The State. I was basically leaning over, reading the paper, pretty much as you see it here. I was wearing the shirt at the time.

While reading, virtually motionless, I saw this bright green hummingbird, out of the corner of my eye, coming over to the feeder - it appeared so.

Before it passed behind the chair it hit the brakes and began hovering over toward me within about two feet. I didn't dare reach for the phone to snap a photo of this guy. This task is best left up to National Geographic and BBC America, and some very patient photographers.

While hovering, it made left to right lateral movements while keeping its head and eyes on me or this extremely huge bright yellow plant that is the t-shirt. It hovered there eyeing me for about seven seconds and I rarely see a hummingbird hover anywhere for that length of time.

I know most hummingbird feeders are usually red or red with yellow features, but this may be because the first successful feeder manufacturer(s) chose red. There is still debate about which, if any bright color(s), hummingbirds prefer. See

This t-shirt often gets more attention and comments than I want, particularly, "Working the road crew today?"

Anyway, today the attention was much appreciated.

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