Saturday, March 30, 2024

Easter and Daffodils...Some Care Tips for Many Years of Healthy Daffodils and Blooms


Easter seems such an apropos time to mention Daffodils as they and most any other perennial, experience a resurrection, so-to-speak, this time of year, this season.

During The Daffodil Project, thanks to a customer and friend, we made these available late last fall - some I planted and others did so on their own.

I have seen many doing so well recently, and beautiful. A few lost blooms during a freeze we had one night, but they are recovering with new buds.

I don't know if there is some odd pre-occupation with bulb plants and I understand the care and planning prior to planting, but once in the ground, they can be treated like most any other plant in regard to transplanting or dividing.

Here are three care tips for bulbs (in the ground)

  • After the blooms have died, do not cut the foliage back to the ground until the foliage/leaves have browned. Until such time, these features are helping restore the bulb(s).
  • Daffodils will add more plants on their own, not far from the original plant/bulb, providing you the opportunity to not only allow the area of interest to be more populated...
  • But, you can easily, dig up a few plants, carefully, separate a few bulbs from one another and plant elsewhere.
The following two links will provide additional information:

What to Do After Tulips and Daffodils Are Finished Flowering in the Spring

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