Sunday, April 8, 2018

Red Hots! Get Your Red Hots Here!

Many of you may know this, but if you love birds, have birder feeders or would like to see more birds around your property, then you have to try hot pepper suet.

There is a rail-less deck just beside this feeder and bath and the yoshino cherry (Prunus x yedoensis) tree provides some pretty darn good shade during certain times of the day during the spring and summer.

I enjoy spending time on the deck, but more so, hanging out in the shed to give all the birds which love this suet, a little space.

And, between the bird bath and the hot pepper suet, there is often a line of birds hanging out to be next at the feeder as if this was the next release of a Harry Potter novel or the next iPhone for many human peeps.

I am a squirrel advocate (in most cases) and I do love to joke with bird lovers about that new squirrel (bird) feeder they just purchased.

I have yet to see a squirrel or any other critter attempt to get near this simple little flimsy feeder and there are obviously several ways to access the suet, or run off with it.

So, if you haven't tried Hot Pepper Suet, you should. I got mine at Wild Birds Unlimited at the Forest Park Shopping Center on Forest Drive.


  1. I thought wild birds unlimited had shut down. Did they move?

    1. Holly:

      I was just there several weeks ago, there website doesn't reflect any change and I heard someone refer to the one on Forest Drive this last Sunday.

      They recently ran out of Moose feeders though.
