Monday, July 30, 2018

Mosquitoes: Perhaps a DIY Solution

Cutter Backyard Bug Control
In the summer of 2016, the year after the flood of 2015, I began to notice and be annoyed by more mosquitoes in my back yard.

From my side of the fence, I try to clean out as much growth as possible every so many years as I cannot easily access this and there is no individual property owner or individual I can contact or count on to do so. This space is virtually a forest.

In the early spring of 2016 I was enjoying my favorite spot to relax and heard running, flowing water I never had before. There, existed a ditch or creek which was fed by an uphill spring which was obviously dry and defunct before.

I imagine this slight stream of water became constricted during the summer of 2016 and became a nice breeding ground or watery bedding for mosquitoes because I had no problem, much worth speaking of, before. About such time I applied Cutter Backyard Bug Control® and never much thought about the results or its effectiveness until this year. A good thing I should have recognized unless luck was in my court.

Several weeks ago I was once again in my favorite spot of relaxation and I was lambasted, brutalized and totally abused by mosquitoes to the point I retreated to the indoors. Supposedly I am of the attractive blood type for these little merchants of thirst and blood sucking and there are all sorts of reasons for their existence.

I went into my shed and realized I still had plenty of Cutter Backyard Bug Control® from years ago and applied it as instructed by the label. Pyrethrum is the main active ingredient and it is safe for most every plant and animal except for some marine life. Please read the label and use accordingly.

I applied this to virtually every inch of my back yard - lawn, plants, furniture, etc. Later, not so much for relief from the heat, but to test its effectiveness, I spent some time working in the yard, over a few days, in the early morning and late evening hours when mosquitoes are most active. I've noticed nary a mosquito and the other bug counts seems lower, especially gnats.

Application of this product is very simple and coverage is quite easy incorporating a water hose.

At a nominal cost, you should try it at least once.

I have no ties to the manufacturer or sale of this product, nor do I receive any compensation for promoting its use.

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