Tuesday, September 1, 2020

101 Dalmatians Minus 99...Just as Well, So Enjoyable

Sometimes I simply feel the urge to write about something I experience or enjoy.

Or, I love writing about something which I may believe to be beneficial to you and my customers.

In either case I usually do my best to put my thoughts together, let them sit, edit, edit some more and then publish.

With the following, I hope to do my best, but to get this little experience and tale out in one sitting. I have a customer who wished to move some work to next week, so I am playing with the free time rather than fill it with more work. Everyone needs a break, now and then.

Today was a day supposed to be filled with some office tasks I had scheduled for the morning (mostly fouled by other unexpected demands). And, then on to visit an existing customer's property. I did.

Later, I planned to visit a new prospect, and I did. More about that potential project (interesting) some other time. It was late in the day, and then...

...While she was showing me her back yard and an idea for what she had conceptualized and somewhat began, I was met by her stocky (not fat) and friendly cat while leaning over to check some of the lawn and the patio. We had a few moments of petting while he weaved himself in between my feet whenever I was standing still - handsome guy with the broadest eyes I have not seen on most cats.

Several minutes later another family member opened a rear door and I was suddenly surrounded by two bounding Dalmatians. The owner of same and the property owner seemed somewhat concerned for my safety, but hey. I knock on wood, but beyond having several dogs and cats growing up and several later in life, I have been somewhat familiar with and fortunate with animals from horses to horseflies and snakes to snarling dogs. I'm still working on plants, ha!

Having been around so many dogs, as most of us remember, particularly as children, I had never been around nary a Dalmatian. The one Dalmatian I remember most was the one I would see at the fire house on Meeting Street in Charleston as a child and later when I attended College of Charleston.

One of these two guys, svelte, yet muscular, was more playful, approaching me on hind legs and searching for a hug with his paws practically atop my shoulders. I was flattered and then I saw what I perceived as a showing of teeth.

I moved my head back slightly, slowly, as he was about muzzle to chin with me; yet, no snarl, no anger. The owner said, "He must like you. He's smiling." He was and I later moved my chin forward and he licked my chin.

Today was a day of visiting prospective customers and prospective projects - more money spent, than made. Yet, it was a day well spent with these two new acquaintances and the customer, their owner, as well.

Hell, if I had one hundred and one of these wonderful creatures I'd never get anything done. I'd be content, but someone would have to pay for the dog food.

Oh, back to work.

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